Editorial Board

Chief Editor

Prof. S. Maghimbi                   -     University of Dar es Salaam

Associate Chief Editor

Dr. R. Sambaiga                      -     University of Dar es Salaam

Managing Editor

Dr. Lucius R. Mugisha                       -     University of Dar es Salaam

Editorial Board

Prof. A. Bujra

Muslim University of Morogoro

[email protected]

Dr. R. Mwaipopo

University of Dar es Salaam

[email protected]

Prof. H. Sigalla

University of Dar es Salaam

[email protected]

Dr. T. Ndaluka

University of Dar es Salaam

[email protected]

Prof. A.C.E. Nilsen

University of Agder

[email protected]

Dr. M. Senga

University of Dar es Salaam

[email protected]

Dr. M. Dauda

University of Dar es Salaam

[email protected]

Dr. D. Rweyemamu

University of Dar es Salaam

[email protected]

Prof. R. Quaye

Ohio Wesleyan University

[email protected]

Prof. R. Marsland

University of Edinburgh

[email protected]

International Advisors

Prof. F. Wijsen

Radbound University

[email protected]

Prof. M. Ziegler

Johannes Kepler University

[email protected]

Prof. N. Miller

Dartmouth University

[email protected]

Prof. J. Ikeno

Kyoto University

[email protected]

Prof. P. Pettersson

Upplasa University

[email protected]

Prof. A. Blystad

University of Bergen

[email protected]

Dr. L. Koechlin

University of Basel

[email protected]



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